ABSOLUTELY FREEfor users who meet these conditions:
- use backgrounds and buttons on non-commerical websites only (no "adult" websites)
(others may contact us for arrangements)
- save individual backgrounds and buttons one at a time (no limit on how many)
- post a link to Uh Duh dot Net in an obvious place on your website,
either text such as: Free backgrounds from Uh Duh dot Net (http://uhduh.net)
or a button linked to: http://uhduh.net (ours or your own custom)
- provide information about your website below (we do not ask for e-mail addresses, as it is expected that your website will have contact information on it)
Copyright 2013. For questions and feedback click here.
All original Images on this website are protected by copyright. Unauthorized use or violations of the stated terms may result in legal or other consequences.
Website owners/administrators/hosts are not legally laible for any consequences you may face as a result of using this website or any of its content or products.